FOX INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD | 1 Myrtle Rd, Warley, Brentwood CM14 5EG, Essex, Inglaterra |
Identificação da empresa responsável da venda na União Europeia, dos produtos da marca, conforme requerido no Regulamento Geral sobre a Segurança dos Produtos (RGPD).
Designed to assist quick changing of helicopter rigs. Finished in non reflective matt black coating.
The new Edges range is made up of a whole host of end tackle products that have each individually been designed to make the rigs you tie better than they have ever been. Within the range you will find leaders, hooklinks, clips, sleeves, shrink tube and gizmo’s that have been designed in conjunction with their consultant and underwater diver Rob Hughes, so that their colours and appearance best match a whole host of different lakebed make-ups – a massive ‘edge’ in itself!